AKVIS MakeUp with Trial Reset

Pada kali ini, saya akan bagikan sebuah software image editor...
Namanya AKVIS MakeUp...
Software ini berfungsi untuk menambahkan / memingkatkan ketajam serta efek glamour pada foto atau gambar...
Software ini secara otomatis akan menghaluskan cacat kecil pada kulit, membuatnya terlihat bersih, halus dan bersinar...
 Jika kalian menginginkan foto-foto diri anda terlihat jauh lebih bagus, menarik, mempesona dan lain sebagainya dalam waktu singkat, mungkin AKVIS MakeUp akan mampu membantu kalian untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut...
Berikut fiturnya:
1. Stylish, glamorous photographs have become the hallmark of the fashion industry. But not everyone knows that before a photo hits the pages of a magazine, it is subjected to thorough processing.These tricks of professional photographers are now available to everyone!
2. Just open a portrait with AKVIS MakeUp and click on the Run button. The software will retouch and freshen up the skin without changing other aspects of the photo.There are two modes – Express and Advanced. In Express mode you can do the correction with a single click using the default settings, while in Advanced mode you can choose the tone of the skin more precisely using the eyedropper tool and play with more parameters to find the golden mean between glamour and authenticity.
3. In Advanced mode you can achieve special effects, for example - High Key Lighting, which blows out harsh shadows and thus removes small imperfections and the shadows under the eyes. The features of a face become well-defined and the portrait appears in the best light. The software is ideal for processing marriage photographs or graduation party photos. On such special occasions people try to achieve a perfect result – flawless portraits of the main participants.
4. Thanks to Batch Processing feature, you won't need to process every single picture, but just apply the chosen settings to the whole folder with the event shooting. AKVIS MakeUp can be useful to the fans of social networks and blogs to improve their profile pictures and add a touch of glamour to the albums.
Silahkan download disini
Baca Cara Install disini
Terima kasih...

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