License KeyAvira Antivirus Premium 2013 Final Full Version

Pada kali ini, saya akan bagikan sebuah Antivirus yang cukup terkenal dan banyak dipakai orang...
Namanya Avira Antivirus Premium 2013...
Antivirus ini dapat melindungi komputer dari serangan virus seperti, Trojan,spyware,dan keylogger dan program jahat lainnya...
Berikut Fiturnya:
1. Protection from viruses, worms and Trojans
2. Protection against spyware / adware
3. Extra protection against email viruses (POP3)
4. Protection against phishing
5. Monitoring real-time
6. Preventing download malicious files from the infected sites
7. Scanning for viruses with a boot disk
8. Verifying data downloaded from the Internet
9. Built-in spyware detection and adware
10. More protection for email traffic (POP3)
11. Special dedicated file server for fast uploads data
12. User-definable intervals updates
13. You can check the selected directories
Saya juga sertakan License Key sampai 27-11-2012...
Bagi, yang ngefans sama Avira, silahkan di download:
Download (Via Hotfile)
Terima kasih...

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